Attack on Lololo 4 Wiki

Impromptu casting a Barrier over Aeront.

"Great Crystal, bless us with the brilliance of thine divine shield... Barrier!"


The Barrier Spell is a Support Magic Skill first learned by the Resistance in Wave 2


When the Barrier Spell is in use, the caster simply accumulates mana before forming it into a shield around a target. This grants the targeted unit the Barrier status, giving them protection against attacks and allowing them to "soak" a certain amount of damage.

Barrier Spell is a simple spell most player characters can learn, even if they are not magically oriented. It has no additional effects aside from providing a temporary safeguard against attacks. However, powerful attacks have the capacity to pierce through barriers and still deal damage afterwards.

How to Learn[]

Impromptu first learned this Skill after casting it repeatedly (about 3 times between Wave 1 and Wave 2 ).

Aeront learned Barrier Spell when he grew to Level 2 (after Wave 2). 

Super-Flint learned Barrier Spell when he grew to Level 3 (after Wave 3 ).

List of Characters[]

These are the player characters who know the Barrier Spell.


There appear to be other skills with effects similar to Barrier. They include:

  • The Sanctuary Spell is cast over all allies and wards off enemy magic on the turn it is cast. 
  • Archangel is a combination of Barrier Spell and Blessings, and requires the user to have Charged Magic Circuits before casting. 
  • Electric Array creates a protective sheild of electricity around a specific target. It also has offensive capabilities, and renders the target Electrified.


  • Due to the Barrier Spell's relatively low mana cost, it is one of several support spells capable of easily being cast on all allies.